
Sour Citrus Truth: Is Grapefruit Really Ketogenic - Part 2

Continuing where we left off from last time, we will further look into grapefruits and their 'credibility' as a ketogenic component.

Why Is It Important to Weigh the Pros and Cons of Including Grapefruit in a Ketogenic Diet?

Before we delve into the benefits and drawbacks of grapefruit, it is important to understand why it is essential to weigh the pros and cons of any food when following a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is a delicate balance of macronutrients, with the majority of calories coming from fat and a limited amount of carbohydrates. Consuming too many carbs can kick you out of ketosis, the metabolic state that is the hallmark of a ketogenic diet.

The Benefits of Grapefruit in a Ketogenic Diet

Grapefruit can be a healthy addition to a ketogenic diet, and here are some reasons why:

  • High Fiber Content and Satiety

It is high in fiber, which can help keep you full and satisfied. This can be beneficial when following a ketogenic diet, as it can help prevent overeating and snacking.

  • Low Calorie and Low Carb

It is low in calories and carbs, making it a good choice for those on a ketogenic diet. A half of a medium-sized grapefruit contains about 52 calories and 13 grams of carbs, with 2 grams of fiber.

  • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties

It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components that may help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

  • Flavonoids and Other Bioactive Compounds

It contains flavonoids and other bioactive compounds that can help reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health.

The Drawbacks of Grapefruit in a Ketogenic Diet

While grapefruit can be beneficial, there are some potential drawbacks to consider when incorporating it into a ketogenic diet:

  • Potential for High Carb Intake If Not Careful

While it is low in carbs, monitoring serving sizes and carb intake is still important. Consuming too much grapefruit can quickly add up to a high carb intake, which can kick you out of ketosis.

  • Interactions with Medications and Health Conditions

It can interact with certain medications, such as statins and blood pressure medications. It can also worsen certain health conditions, such as acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

  • Possible Allergic Reactions

Some people may be allergic to grapefruit or experience an allergic reaction when consuming it.

  • Overconsumption and Digestive Issues

Consuming too much grapefruit can lead to digestive issues, such as diarrhea and stomach cramping.

Tips for Incorporating Grapefruit into a Ketogenic Diet

If you decide to incorporate grapefruit into your ketogenic diet, here are some tips for doing so safely:

  • Serving Sizes and Carb Counting

Be sure to monitor your serving sizes and carb intake to avoid consuming too many carbs. A half of a medium-sized grapefruit is a good serving size to start with, containing about 13 grams of carbs.

  • Pairing Grapefruit with Other Low-Carb Foods

Pairing it with other low-carb foods such as avocado or nuts can help balance out the macronutrient ratios in your meal.

  • Choosing the Right Variety of Grapefruit

Pick a variety of low-sugar grapefruit, such as the Ruby Red or Star Ruby varieties.

  • Monitoring for Adverse Effects

If you have any health conditions or are taking medications, monitoring for any adverse effects when consuming grapefruit is crucial.


Overall, grapefruit can be a healthy addition to a ketogenic diet, but weighing the benefits and drawbacks before incorporating it into your meal plan is essential. Be sure to monitor your serving sizes, carb intake, and any adverse effects when consuming grapefruit. By doing so, you can safely enjoy the many benefits that this citrus fruit has to offer.

If you would like to learn an amazing grapefruit keto recipe for a drink, look no further than our suggestions here at 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee. We are dedicated to raising awareness and supporting the mental health of Veterans and first responders. By purchasing our products, you contribute to our mission of giving back to the Veteran & first responder communities. Feel free to click on our ‘Coffee’ or ‘Spirits’ tabs above for more of our tasteful selections and their prices.