
How to Make a Keto-Friendly Bloody Mary

Weekend brunches are synonymous with a tall glass of Bloody Mary. This classic cocktail has been a favorite for years, and if you're following a keto diet, you might feel like you're missing out. 

But don’t worry, my fellow keto enthusiasts! Today, we're going to teach you how to make a keto-friendly Bloody Mary that will satisfy your cravings and keep you on track with your diet. Let's dive into the world of boozy keto brunches!

The Low-Carb Bloody Mary: Your New Brunch Buddy

For our keto-friendly Bloody Mary, we'll be using the following ingredients. Remember, the key to a perfect Bloody Mary is to adjust the ingredients to your personal taste preferences.

  • Lemon Juice: A splash of lemon juice gives our Bloody Mary a tangy kick, and it's virtually carb-free.
  • Worcestershire Sauce: This savory sauce adds a nice depth of flavor to our cocktail. Just be sure to choose a sugar-free version to keep it 
  • Tomato Juice: You can't have a Bloody Mary without tomato juice! Opt for a low-sodium, no-sugar-added version to minimize carbs.
  • 22 Salute™ Vodka: The star of the show! Choose 22 Salute™ vodka, which is unsweetened and unflavored so you can keep carbs in check.
  • Horseradish: This spicy root gives our Bloody Mary a nice heat and is low in carbs.
  • Hot Sauce: Feel free to get creative with your choice of hot sauce. Just check the label to make sure it's low in carbs and sugars.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Keto Bloody Mary

Now that we've got our ingredients sorted, let's get down to business! Follow these simple steps to create your keto-friendly Bloody Mary:

1. Prep your glass: Before we start mixing our cocktail, prepare your glass by rubbing a lemon wedge around the rim and then dipping it in a mixture of coarse salt and black pepper. This adds a nice touch of flavor with each sip.

2. Mix the base: In a shaker or large glass, combine 1 oz. of lemon juice, 2 oz. of tomato juice, 1 oz. of sugar-free Worcestershire sauce, and 1-2 tsp. of grated horseradish (depending on how spicy you like your Bloody Mary). Give it a good stir to make sure everything is well combined.

3. Spice it up: Now's the time to add some heat! Add a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce to the mix. You can always add more later if you want an extra kick.

4. Add 22 Salute™ vodka: Pour in 1.5 oz. of vodka and give your cocktail another good stir to make sure all the ingredients are well incorporated.

5. Shake or stir: If you're using a shaker, fill it with ice and give it a good shake for about 30 seconds to chill and dilute your cocktail. If you're mixing in a glass, fill it with ice and give it a good stir to achieve the same effect.

6. Pour and garnish: Strain your keto-friendly Bloody Mary into your prepared glass, and garnish with some fun low-carb options like olives, pickles, or celery. Feel free to get creative here!

The Bottom Line

And there you have it! A delicious, low-carb Bloody Mary that won't throw your keto diet off track. Enjoy this guilt-free cocktail at your next weekend brunch or whenever you're craving a spicy, savory treat. Cheers to keeping your taste buds happy and your waistline trim!

Welcome to 22 Salute™ Spirits & Coffee! If you're looking for the perfect vodka to add to your Keto Bloody Mary mix, our products are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Explore our spirits today!